We cordially invite you to join us for the 18th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis (18JKSC) to be held in virtual onNovember 23-25, 2021
Final Prgram is now available --> DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Key Dates
Open for abstract submission: November, 2020 --> CLOSED
Deadline for abstract submission: September 15th, 2021 -->CLOSED
Notification of acceptance: September 30th
Deadline for registration: November 16th, 2021--> CLOSED
Symposium (Youth Session): November 23th, 2021
Symposium (General Session): November 24th-25th, 2021
Presentation Awards
The 18JKSC committee intend to award young scientists who make excellent presentations during the symposium in the form of both Young Oral and Poster.
Among the awardees selected from Young Oral, two young scientists of exceptional ability who show promise for significant future achievements in catalysis research will be selected to provide following awards from Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
Catalysis Science & Technology Presentation Award
Energy Advances Presentation Award
We have focused on our objective to find the best way to bring our community safely together for a successful symposium. However, considering the current situation of the spread of the new coronavirus, it has become clear a face-to-face symposium will not be possible. Considering our safety as the most important thing,we decided to hold the 18JKSC in virtual on November 23-25, 2021.
Upon the change of the symposium style,the deadline for abstract submission is extended to September 15th, 2021, and we will continue to invite you to join us.
For the participants who have already sent abstracts, the submitted abstracts will be kept as they are. In case you need to make modification on your availability, abstract, presentation style, please send an E-mail to the 18JKSC secretary office.