3Dプリンター 阪大から世界へ、読売新聞、2025年2月9日、朝刊19面(関西版)
【論文】レーザー・電子ビーム積層造形時の後処理の微細構造の影響に関する論文がCIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology(IF=4.6)に掲載されました。
Jibin Boban*, Afzaal Ahmed, Ozkan Gokcekaya , Takayoshi Nakano:
Ultra-precision surface treatment of beta-Titanium alloy printed using laser and electron beam melting sources,
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 58, (2025), 01.006; 1-19.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a near net shape fabrication technology offering exceptional design freedom for complex part production. However, the inadequate surface quality and poorly generated micro-features adversely affect the functional performance of metal AM parts thereby restricting the direct adoption in biomedical implantation applications. Ultra-precision diamond turning (UPDT) can be regarded as a possible solution to overcome the aforementioned challenges in metal AM. However, the machinability of metal AM parts at ultra-precision level is highly sensitive to the material specific attributes and microstructure generated by the thermal characteristics of the process. In light of this, the present study follows a novel direction by investigating the dependence of distinct material characteristics imparted by two different AM powder melting sources on the ultra-precision post-treatment performance. Experiments were conducted on laser and electron beam printed beta-Ti alloy (Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al) which has potential importance in biomedical applications. The results demonstrate that the microstructural variations in respective samples affect the process performance and final surface integrity. The samples printed using laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) achieved a final surface finish (Sa) of ~66.3 nm after UPDT relative to the electron beam powder bed fusion (EPBF) samples (~104.3 nm). The cutting forces tends to exhibit sharp dip in forces in case of LPBF samples when micro-cutting was done perpendicular to the beam scanning direction. The chip morphology analysis corresponding to the LPBF and EPBF samples sub stantiates the generation of chips with segmentation/serrations on the free chip surface and parent material adhesion on the tool-chip contact surface. Further, precise microfeature generation was successfully accom plished on both the samples with minimal dimensional deviations on LPBF sample. Thus, the outcomes of the study establish the potential of UPDT in elevating the bioimplant surface standards of beta-Ti alloy with superior performance in LPBF samples.
Additive manufacturing; Powder bed fusion; Diamond turning; Titanium; Microstructure
阪大とJST/金属3Dプリンティング/結晶配向性の制御法確立/低強度から高強度まで単一材で力学機能設計可能に:鉄鋼新聞 電子版、2025年1月26日
【記事】「ShareLab」にて、中野 貴由 教授、石本 卓也 特任教授をはじめとする研究グループが、金属3Dプリンターによって結晶配向方位の制御に成功したことが、記事として掲載されました。
【論文】レーザー・電子ビーム積層造形時の後処理の微細構造の影響に関する論文がCIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology(IF=4.6)に受理されました。
Jibin Boban*, Afzaal Ahmed, Ozkan Gokcekaya , Takayoshi Nakano:
Ultra-precision surface treatment of beta-Titanium alloy printed using laser and electron beam melting sources,
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, (2025), in press.
【論文】メチルグリオキサールが骨芽細胞分化を通じて骨折治療を阻害することを解明した山口大学医学部との共同研究がBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications誌に掲載されました。
Tetsuya Seto, Kiminori Yukata, Shunya Tsuji*, Yusuke Takeshima, Takeshi Honda, Akihiko Sakamoto, Kenji Takemoto, Hiroki Sakai, Mayu Matsuo, Yurika Sasaki, Mizuki Kaneda, Mikako Yoshimura, Atsushi Mihara, Kazuya Uehara, Aira Matsugaki, Takayoshi Nakano, Koji Harada, Yoshiro Tahara, Keiko Iwaisako, Ryoji Yanai, Norihiko Takeda, Takashi Sakai, Masataka Asagiri*:
Methylglyoxal compromises callus mineralization and impairs fracture healing through suppression of osteoblast terminal differentiation,
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 747, (2025), 151312; 1-8.
Impaired fracture healing in diabetic patients leads to prolonged morbidity and increased healthcare costs. Methylglyoxal (MG), a reactive metabolite elevated in diabetes, is implicated in various complications, but its direct impact on bone healing remains unclear. Here, using a non-diabetic murine tibial fracture model, we demonstrate that MG directly impairs fracture healing. Micro-computed tomography revealed decreased volumetric bone mineral density in the callus, while callus volume remained unchanged, resulting in a brittle bone structure. This was accompanied by reduced expression of osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein, both critical for mineralization. Biomechanical analysis indicated that MG reduced the mechanical resilience of the fracture site without altering its elastic strength, suggesting that the impairment was not primarily due to the accumulation of advanced glycation end-products in the bone extracellular matrix. In vitro studies confirmed that non-cytotoxic concentrations of MG inhibited osteoblast maturation and mineralization. Transcriptomic analysis identified downregulation of Osterix, a key transcription factor for osteoblast maturation, without altering Runx2 levels, leading to decreased expression of key mineralization-related factors like osteocalcin. These findings align with clinical observations of reduced circulating osteocalcin levels in diabetic patients, suggesting that the detrimental effects of MG on osteoblasts may extend beyond bone metabolism. Our study highlights MG and MG-sensitive pathways as potential therapeutic targets for improving bone repair in individuals with diabetes and other conditions characterized by elevated MG levels.
Fracture healing; Osteoblasts; Diabetes; Methylglyoxal
【論文】Acta Biomaterialia(IF=9.4)にMPCポリマーでのゼブラコーティングによる骨配向化誘導に関する論文が掲載されました。
Tadaaki Matsuzaka, Aira Matsugaki*, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Takayoshi Nakano*:
Osteogenic tailoring of oriented bone matrix organization using on/off micropatterning for osteoblast adhesion on titanium surfaces, Acta Biomaterialia, 192, (2025), 39644943; 487-500.
Titanium (Ti) implants are well known for their mechanical reliability and chemical stability, crucial for suc cessful bone regeneration. Various shape control and surface modification techniques to enhance biological activity have been developed. Despite the crucial importance of the collagen/apatite bone microstructure for mechanical function, antimicrobial properties, and biocompatibility, precise and versatile pattern control for regenerating the microstructure remains challenging. Here, we developed a novel osteogenic tailoring stripe- micropatterned MPC-Ti substrate that induces genetic-level control of oriented bone matrix organization. This biomaterial was created by micropatterning 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer onto a titanium (Ti) surface through a selective photoreaction. The stripe-micropatterned MPC-Ti substrate establishes a distinct interface for cell adhesion, robustly inducing osteoblast cytoskeleton alignment through actin cyto skeletal alignment, and facilitating the formation of a bone-mimicking-oriented collagen/apatite tissue. More over, our study revealed that this bone alignment process is promoted through the activation of the Wnt/ β-catenin signaling pathway, which is triggered by nuclear deformation induced by strong cellular alignment guidance. This innovative material is essential for personalized next-generation medical devices, offering high customizability and active restoration of the bone microstructure.
Photoreactive; MPC polymer; Stripe-micropatterned titanium substrate; Osteoblast orientation; Apatite/collagen orientation; Bone regeneration
【新聞】日刊工業新聞朝刊に「阪大、金属の結晶配向性制御 力学機能設計可能に」が掲載されました。
金属の結晶配向性制御 阪大、力学機能設計可能に3Dプリンター利用
【論文】メチルグリオキサールが骨芽細胞分化を通じて骨折治療を阻害することを解明した山口大学医学部との共同研究がBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications誌に受理されました。
Tetsuya Seto, Kiminori Yukata, Shunya Tsuji*, Yusuke Takeshima, Takeshi Honda, Akihiko Sakamoto, Kenji Takemoto, Hiroki Sakai, Mayu Matsuo, Yurika Sasaki, Mizuki Kaneda, Mikako Yoshimura, Atsushi Mihara, Kazuya Uehara, Aira Matsugaki, Takayoshi Nakano, Koji Harada, Yoshiro Tahara, Keiko Iwaisako, Ryoji Yanai, Norihiko Takeda, Takashi Sakai, Masataka Asagiri*: Methylglyoxal compromises callus mineralization and impairs fracture healing through suppression of osteoblast terminal differentiation, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, (2025), in press.2025.01.08
【論文】Acta Materialia誌(Elsevier, IF=8.3)に、JST-Crestの成果である、"AMによる「材質(結晶配向性)」と「形状」の重畳による力学機能発現"に関する論文が受理されました。AMの世界を大きく変える研究結果で、OA論文として掲載されました。
Takuya Ishimoto, Naotaka Morita, Ryosuke Ozasa, Aira Matsugaki, Ozkan Gokcekaya, Shota Higashino, Masakazu Tane, Tsuyoshi Mayama, Ken Cho, Hiroyuki Y. Yasuda, Masayuki Okugawa, Yuichiro Koizumi, Masato Yoshiya, Daisuke Egusa, Taisuke Sasaki, Eiji Abe, Hajime Kimizuka, Naoko Ikeo, Takayoshi Nakano*:
Superimpositional design of crystallographic textures and macroscopic shapes via metal additive manufacturing--Game-change in component design, Acta Materialia, 286, (2025), 120709; 1-12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2025.120709
This study demonstrates the control of the crystalline orientation through metal additive manufacturing, enabling the development of component design guidelines that incorporate the inherent anisotropy of the me chanical properties (e.g., Young's modulus) in crystalline materials. We, for the first time, successfully fabricated a <111>//build direction (BD)-oriented single-crystalline-like texture in an alloy with a cubic crystal structure via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and completed a series of three single-crystalline-like microstructures with <001>, <011>, and <111>//BD orientations in a single material. The <001>and <111>directions exhibited the lowest and highest Young's moduli, respectively, demonstrating a wide range of control over the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of the product. To achieve a <111>//BD-oriented single-crystalline-like texture, a novel three-layer cyclic strategy of "uni"directional laser scanning at 120◦ angular intervals was developed by considering the easy growth direction and crystal symmetry. To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has reported this unique strategy. By superimposing the realized <111>orientation and shape-based anisotropy, products exhibiting high Young's modulus anisotropy, which cannot be expressed by shape and texture alone, were obtained via the LPBF single process. This achievement holds promise for the realization of a new component design guideline that integrates texture (mechanical properties) design for each internal location--modifiable through scanning strategies--with traditional shape optimization techniques typically used in computer-aided design. This approach enables tailored mechanical performance through optimized design strategies.
Laser powder bed fusion; Shape anisotropy; Crystallographic orientation; Superimposition; 3D puzzle; Young's modulus
【新聞】日本経済新聞電子版に当研究室から出版されたActa Materialia論文が「阪大、金属3Dプリンティングで3種の結晶配向(原子配列方向)を実現」として紹介されました。
【プレスリリース】JSTと大阪大学は、中野JST-CRESTの成果として、"AMによる「材質(結晶配向性)」と「形状」の重畳による力学機能発現"に関する研究成果を共同でプレスリリースしました。同時にActa Materialia誌(Elsevier, IF=8.3, Top3%ジャーナル)に掲載されました。
【解説】JSTニュース1月号に、中野先生と中島帝人ナカシマ会長が取材を受けたUNIOS PLスペーサーの記事が掲載されました。
JSTnews (ISSN 1349-6085)、(2025)、8-11.
【論文】Acta Materialia誌(Elsevier, IF=8.3)に、JST-Crestの成果である、"AMによる「材質(結晶配向性)」と「形状」の重畳による力学機能発現"に関する論文が受理されました。AMの世界を大きく変える研究結果で、OA論文として出版される予定です。
Takuya Ishimoto, Naotaka Morita, Ryosuke Ozasa, Aira Matsugaki, Ozkan Gokcekaya, Shota Higashino, Masakazu Tane, Tsuyoshi Mayama, Ken Cho, Hiroyuki Y. Yasuda, Masayuki Okugawa, Yuichiro Koizumi, Masato Yoshiya, Daisuke Egusa, Taisuke Sasaki, Eiji Abe, Hajime Kimizuka, Naoko Ikeo, Takayoshi Nakano*:
Superimpositional design of crystallographic textures and macroscopic shapes via metal additive manufacturing--Game-change in component design, Acta Materialia, (2025), in press.
【論文】Catalysis Science & Technologyに山下研との共同研究のAM触媒に関する論文が受理されました。
Hyo-Jin Kim, Kohsuke Mori*, Takayoshi Nakano, Hiromi Yamashita:
Rational design of stainless steel self-catalytic reactors for CO2 methanation: Extending from metal powder to 3D-printed reactor,
Catalysis Science & Technology, (2025), in press.
【論文】Journal of Materials Engineering and PerformanceにAMで造形されたTi6Al-4V合金のエネルギ―密度の機能性に及ぼす影響に関する論文が掲載されました。
H. Yilmazer, Y. A. Sadikoglu, S. Kucuk, O. Gokcekaya, I. C. Turu, T. Nakano, B. Dikici*:
The effect of energy density on microstructural, mechanical, and corrosion characteristics of Ti6Al-4V alloy fabricated via selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM) techniques,
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2024), s11665-024-10512-8; 1-13.
In this study, the effect of production parameters on Ti-6Al-4V alloys fabricated using selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM) techniques was investigated. Through the variation of energy volume (12.5, 25, 37.5 J mm−3), these two additive manufacturing methods were compared in terms of microstructure, mechanical, and corrosion properties. Density was calculated using Archimedes' technique, while microstructure was characterized through optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mechanical properties were determined via micro-Vickers hardness and tensile tests. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were performed on EBM and SLM samples for a comprehensive understanding. Corrosion susceptibilities of the alloys were evaluated using potentiodynamic scanning (PDS) tests in a 3.5% NaCl solution at room temperature. Microstructural analysis revealed that SLM-produced parts predominantly consisted of the α′ (martensite) phase, whereas EBM-produced parts primarily comprised the α phase with a small amount of the β phase. The strength values of all SLM samples exceeded 930 MPa, surpassing those of wrought Ti-6Al-4V ELI. However, only EBM samples fabricated with a 37.3 J mm−3 energy volume approached this standard. Corrosion susceptibility generally increased with higher energy volume in both EBM and SLM samples, with porosity volume and grain size variations influencing corrosion behavior.
Corrosion; EBM; Energy density; Phase transformation; SLM; Ti-6Al-4V
日刊工業新聞 2024年12月11日 朝刊 21面
Fei Sun, Toshio Ogawa, Yoshitaka Adachi, Kazuhisa Sato, Shunya Takagi, Goro Miyamoto, Asuka Suzuki, Akinori Yamanaka, Nobuo Nakada, Takuya Ishimoto, Takayoshi Nakano, Yuichiro Koizumi: Modulated Structure Formation in Dislocation Cells in 316L Stainless Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder
Bed Fusion (Materials Transactions 64巻 6号)
Koji Hagihara, Toko Tokunaga, Kazuki Yamamoto, Michiaki Yamasaki, Tsuyoshi Mayama, Takumi Shioyama, Yoshihito Kawamura, Takayoshi Nakano: Unified Understanding of Strengthening Mechanisms Acting in Mg/LPSO Two-Phase Extruded Alloys
with Varying LPSO Phase Volume Fraction (Materials Transactions 64巻 4号)
Yuheng Liu, Kazufumi Nose, Masayuki Okugawa, Yuichiro Koizumi, Takayoshi Nakano: Fabrication and Process Monitoring of 316L Stainless Steel by Laser Powder Bed Fusion with μ-Helix Scanning Strategy and Narrow Scanning Line Intervals (Materials Transactions 64巻 6号)
PBF-LBを用いた形状・材質制御によるNi基Inconel 718の力学機能設計
○星野壮希、石本卓也、Ozkan Gokcekaya、眞山剛、多根正和、中野貴由
PBF-LBを用いた形状・材質制御によるNi基Inconel 718の力学機能設計
○星野壮希、石本卓也、Ozkan Gokcekaya、眞山剛、多根正和、中野貴由
【基調講演】第101回レーザ加工学会講演会にて中野先生がプレナ リーセッションでの基調講演を行いました。
【論文】Journal of Alloys and Compoundsに中国東北大との共同研究の成果が受理されました。
Chenyang Wu, Xiaoli Zhao*, Takayoshi Nakano, Mitsuo Niinomi, Nan Jia, Deliang Zhang:
Grain size dependence of deformation behavior in Ti-15Mo alloy prepared by powder metallurgy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2024), 177825.
【論文】Materials Transactionsにチタン合金の組織変化と高温力学特性に関する論文が掲載されました。
Tomoki Kuroda, Haruki Masuyama, Yoshiaki Toda, Tetsuya Matsunaga, Tsutomu Ito, Makoto Watanabe, Ryosuke Ozasa, Takuya Ishimoto, Takayoshi Nakano, Masayuki Shimojo, Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai:
Microstructure Evolution and High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4Nb-4Zr Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting,
Materials Transactions, 64 [1], (2024), 2022021; 348-356.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-MLA2022021
Ti-6Al-4Nb-4Zr (mass%) was prepared by selective laser melting (SLM) under various conditions, and the microstructure evolution resulting from SLM processing and subsequent heat treatments was investigated. The effects of the unique SLM-induced microstructure on the high-temperature compressive strength and creep properties of the samples were then elucidated. Under rapid cooling conditions, the martensitic structure formed in a scale-like pattern, with a 100 µm in size, consistent with the laser scanning pattern. By contrast, under slow cooling conditions, the α/β lamellar structure formed in β grains with a 300 µm grain size instead of in a scale-like pattern. The martensitic structure drastically changed to a Widmanstätten structure during heat treatment. The equiaxed α phase also formed at the interface of the scale-like patterns. By contrast, the α/β lamellar structure did not exhibit a change in response to heat treatment. The compressive strength of the SLM samples was governed by the martensite α size and the grain size, both of which depended on the cooling rate. The dominant creep deformation mechanism at 600°C and under a loading stress of 137 MPa was grain boundary sliding. The creep life depended on the grain size. The HIP treatment improved the creep life because it eliminated pores introduced by the SLM process.
selective; lasermelting; heat-resistant; Ti alloys; compression; strength; creep
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